capitulation|capitulations in English


[ca·pit·u·la·tion || kə‚pɪtjʊ'leɪʃn]

surrender, giving in under agreed conditions

Use "capitulation|capitulations" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "capitulation|capitulations" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "capitulation|capitulations", or refer to the context using the word "capitulation|capitulations" in the English Dictionary.

1. 13 I'm not suggesting capitulation.

2. They demand absolute capitulation of Germany.

3. 3 There is no specified form for capitulation.

4. Bear markets often end not in capitulation but stupefaction.

5. Peithon easily defeated his opponents and accepted their capitulation.

6. 5 Bear markets often end not in capitulation but stupefaction.

7. 4 They were protected until the capitulation of the fort.

8. 26 A surrender may be effected without resort to a capitulation.

9. 17 It wants to control, and fiercely resists its own capitulation.

10. After the German capitulation, they returned home on 8 December 1918.

11. 16 He nodded with a peculiarly male satisfaction at her capitulation.

12. Its cadres were decimated, whether through discouragement, capitulation, imprisonment, or outright murder.

13. 27 The invading army had massacred many of the garrison after capitulation.

14. 24 And bull markets aren't a guarantee even when there is a capitulation.

15. 28 A clearing out of stocks marks a kind of economic capitulation.

16. 22 He had ordered the opening of the city gates and capitulation.

17. 6 In this case the capitulation may contain other than military stipulations.

18. 2 Its cadres were decimated, whether through discouragement, capitulation, imprisonment, or outright murder.

19. 30 He entered Richmond the day after its surrender, and heard of Lee's capitulation.

20. 25 The third is the coexistence of armed resistance and capitulation in China.

21. 18 In addition, the victor sees it as a sign of capitulation by his opponent.

22. 23 Talk to enough investors and you get an idea of whether we have capitulation.

23. 8 Oddly,( even market pundits who believe in capitulation admit they can't define it.

24. It is during capitulation that a selloff course, and prices begin to feel for bottom.

25. Violation of the terms of a capitulation by individuals is punishable as a war crime.